Run Mom Run Happy

My thoughts on being a mom, runner, wannabe health nut, and everything else.

Girl Scout Cookies (and other ways I sabatoge my goals!)

It’s Girl Scout Cookie season.  Girl Scouts here no longer take orders for two weeks and then deliver cookies.  They sell for two months and have access to get you your cookie fix the entire time.  Many boxes are conveniently kept waiting at their homes for anxious buyers.  Guess what?  I have a Girl Scout.  And our house is the home to many boxes of cookies waiting to go to their new home.  Unfortunately, many boxes have not gotten the opportunity to leave and have ended up in my stomach.  I really, really like Girl Scout cookies!  Thin mints, peanut butter patties, caramel delights, thanks-a-lots…yum (I will eat any flavor, those just happen to be my favorite.)

Thin Mints

Thin Mints…Mmmmm

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