Run Mom Run Happy

My thoughts on being a mom, runner, wannabe health nut, and everything else.

Stinky Workout Clothes: Does Using Vinegar and Baking Soda Get Rid of the Smell?

Workout clothes can get pretty smelly.  Newer workout clothes usually smell rather good after being washed.  After a month or two of hard exercise, however, the regular detergent doesn’t always keep clothes fresh.  Neither does the detergent specifically made for tough smells.  For me, my workout clothes usually come out of the laundry smelling decent, but the second I start to sweat, my good quality, sweat-wicking gear starts immediately smelling very unpleasant (and by unpleasant I mean an aroma of rotting roadkill.)

Now, I don’t mind smelling a bit at the end of a hard workout or long run BUT starting out the workout smelling stinks (literally.)  As you sweat during a workout, I think you adjust to your smell and don’t notice it as much.  When you start smelling almost immediately, you notice it – and if I notice it that much, I imagine I have a circle of stink around me that everyone else can smell as well!  (At the end of a marathon?  Of course I should stink.  After 1/10 of a mile?  No.) Read the rest of this entry »