Run Mom Run Happy

My thoughts on being a mom, runner, wannabe health nut, and everything else.

Why Do I Run?

on April 14, 2015

My running over the past month or so has not gone as I originally planned.  By this time of the year, I had expected to have already participated in multiple races.  I had been hoping that the speed training I did on the treadmill over the winter (on the days the windchill and blowing snow were too much to conquer), would have translated to new personal bests.  I thought that once spring finally sprung, I’d be able to up my mileage with ease.

None of that happened.  Sigh…

I’m still not sure what exactly was (or still is, rather) going on with my foot.  While it’s getting better, my left foot is still awfully tingly during my runs and often starts to go numb.  I’m able to regain feeling and continue running now by wiggling my toes and stomping, but I haven’t participated in an official run since January.  I’m running much slower now.  And not as far.  It’s very frustrating to have a set-back, but it has been a great reminder of the real reasons I run.

I run because…

I run because it makes me happy.

I run because it relieves my stress.

I run because it helps to clear my mind.

I run to be healthy.

I run because I like to enjoy a drink (or two) and a cookie (or seven.)

So my plans didn’t work out.  Oh well.  At least, even with an odd tingly foot, I still get to run.  So what if I don’t reach any personal records soon?  I’ll still be having fun!

Why do you run?


2 responses to “Why Do I Run?

  1. Kecia says:

    I love your positive attitude 🙂 I hope you find a solution soon and don’t have to worry about a tingly foot much longer!!

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