Run Mom Run Happy

My thoughts on being a mom, runner, wannabe health nut, and everything else.

Holiday Food Hangover: Desserts….So Many Desserts

on December 28, 2014

Ahh, the holidays.  A time to spend with family and friends, enjoying their company, and EATING.  I have eaten so SO much over the past week that I am unsure how it all fit into my now slightly bloated, heavier body.  I don’t regret it.  Not one bit.  I love all the goodies at the holidays.  So many cutely designed cookies, extravagant chocolates, rich trifles, comforting pies, and other sugar-filled sweet concoctions (I’m making myself hungry again) at every holiday get-together.  Not to mention all the “regular” food (that has often been made more delicious and fattening by being turned into a casserole) that we all (I mean, everyone does do this right?!) overindulge in by eating huge giant sized portions at multiple parties.  As I said, I don’t regret it.  I love eating all this delicious food!  But (yes, there is a but) now I don’t feel very well at all.  I’m very sluggish, unfocused, and mushy.


I admittedly do not have the best diet in general.  It’s something I am working on gradually changing.  I feel the best running when I eat healthy, real food.  I do really enjoy a lot of unhealthy food (thanks taste buds) but I definitely do not like the way it makes me feel.  The holiday eating extravaganza has put me on a much higher food coma level though, and now I need to get my body and mind back to functioning normally.

Steps Back Into Non-Holiday Eating

1.  Go grocery shopping and pre-plan your meals.

With the holidays almost coming to a close, there should be less parties to attend and goodies to bake.  Going to the grocery store and buying healthy ingredients and snacks should make meal planning a breeze and provide plenty of healthy alternatives to fatty leftovers.

2.  Don’t eat out.

Give yourself a break from restaurants.  Eating out is full of unhealthy options, and it’s easy after eating five desserts at a family get-together to think that only one from a restaurant is no big deal (which it isn’t, IF it’s only once in awhile.)  Give yourself the opportunity to get back into the mindset that dessert is a special occasion and not an every meal occurrence.

3.  Drink Water.  Lots of it.

I usually only drink water (and the occasional beer or three) and coffee.  At holiday celebrations, however, I’ve had punch, pop, and many different types of alcohol.  Drinking water in general is great for you, and taking a break from other beverages and only drinking water, will help eliminate the holiday bloat.


This is my plan to erase my holiday food hangover!  Hopefully it helps get my food choices back on track (I’m sure New Year’s Eve will be a slight, yet extremely fun, bump in the road) and my body back to feeling good!

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